Love, Career
& Magic

Art DirectionUI/UX designWebGraphic
Feb 2022 - Present
Pegasus Games
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01 / The Challenge

I led the art design of the "Love, Career & Magic" role-playing board game and its promotional campaign, which was essential for building interest and momentum for the Kickstarter. My role encompassed creating a unified design for various promotional materials, including banners, booth decorations, stickers, flyers, and business cards.

Additionally, I designed a website to introduce the game to a wider audience and a Kickstarter page to support crowdfunding efforts, overseeing the project from production to launch.

「Love, Career & Magic」というロールプレイボードゲームの制作からプロモーション全体のデザインを担当しました。ゲームへの話題と期待を生み出すための包括的なプロモーション資料の制作はクライアントにとってとても大事な課題で、私は一貫性のあるデザインコンセプトをベースに、コンベンション用のバナーからブースの装飾、ステッカー、チラシ、名刺などのデザインとアートディレクションに携わりました。


02 / The Story

My aim was to blend creative design with the game's essence, ensuring a seamless alignment between the theme and the player's experience.


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