teamLab Art
Story of the Forest

Art DirectionUI/UX designApp
Sep 2015 - Dec 2016
National Museum of Singapore
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01 / The Challenge

I was privileged to work as a UI/UX designer on teamLab's "Story of the Forest" exhibition at the Singapore National Museum, which attracts over one million visitors each year.

The objective was to enhance visitor engagement with the art piece through an app, aiming to improve accessibility and enjoyment. My responsibilities encompassed leading the app's UI/UX design and art direction, considering the diverse demographics of the visitors, the unique structure of the venue, and the integration of art with technology.

年間100万人が訪れるシンガポール国立博物館で展示するチームラボのアート作品「Story of the Forest(森の物語)」のプロジェクトで、アプリデザインに携わりました。


02 / The Story

Given the museum's global visitor base, our goal was to create a sensory experience that transcended language, gender, and age barriers. The app was designed to immerse users in a forest-like atmosphere, mirroring the museum's unique setting.

We developed an interactive feature allowing users to capture virtual animals and plants from the art piece on their phones, turning their visit into an engaging journey and personal guidebook, while simultaneously kindling their interest in nature. Emphasizing user-friendliness, we focused on ensuring the app was fast, easy to use, and provided a seamless experience. Through extensive testing, we made the app intuitive for a wide range of users, overcoming language and cultural differences.


具体的な取り組みとしては「Story of the Forest(森の物語)」のアート作品をアプリと連動させることで、作品に登場する動物や植物を自分のスマホで捕まえることができる仕組みを創り上げ、能動的にアートを楽しめるようにしました。この機能により、ユーザーが自分だけの動植物図鑑を作れるようになり、森や自然への関心を引き出すことにも繋げることができました。インタラクション的視点においては、子どもでも分かりやすく、さらに言葉に頼らず使用言語が違う方でも使いやすく、ストレスなく気持ちよく使えるアプリとして、スピード、操作感、距離感などを大事に、何度もテストを繰り返しました。

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